Brain fog, a term used to describe a feeling of lacking mental clarity, having problems with memory and concentration, difficulty with decision-making. It often makes people feel disoriented, confused, and unable to think clearly.
Strictly speaking, brain fog is not a disease or a syndrome, but rather a collection of symptoms that together cause lack of mental clarity and memory problems. For many people, brain fog is a temporary, mild problem that goes away on its own. But for others, it may be a persistent problem that affects daily life.
What causes brain fog?
Among the health problems that can lead to “brain fog”, the following are the common causes:
Long covid
Anxiety / depression
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Lack of sleep
Compromised immune system
Mild traumatic brain injury or concussion
The cause we see most often in the clinic these days is long COVID. Over 65% of patients with long COVID reported experiencing brain fog.
There are also medications that can cause brain fog. Among these are:
Allergy medications
Beta-blockers (often used for heart problems)
birth control pills
Calcium channel blockers (for high blood pressure or heart problems)
Corticosteroids (commonly called cortisone)
Certain chemotherapy drugs
Certain elements of lifestyle can cause or contribute to the feeling of brain fog as well, such as:
A poor diet
Lack of sleep
Alcohol or drug use
How to get rid of brain fog?
If you experience persistent brain fog, first try to determine if something in your lifestyle seems to be causing or contributing to it. Make sure you get enough sleep. If you suffer from insomnia, your acupuncturist can help you get back to restful sleep.
Watch your diet and make sure you have healthy, balanced meals at regular times. Also, be sure to stay hydrated and avoid alcohol and recreational drugs, at least until your symptoms improve. Regular exercises can help too. No need to join an exercise program or go to the gym, a brisk daily walk will do the trick.
If you suspect your brain fog is related to a medication or supplement you are taking, consult your pharmacist. Pharmacists are the medication specialists and they are easily accessible. You should always consult a pharmacist, or a doctor, before changing or stopping medicine.
Certain natural products and supplements, such as omega 3 oils or magnesium, can help overcome brain fog. Again, a pharmacist will be able to advise you and ensure that taking supplements is safe, and it does not interact with your medications.
Your acupuncturist is also a medical professional who can help you get out of brain fog. The acupuncturist will be able to help you identify possible causes and contributing factors to your brain fog. They will be able to establish an individualized and effective treatment plan to treat your symptoms and restore your quality of life.